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Seal Impulse Sealer

Seal Impulse Sealer.

12" Push to Seal Impulse Sealer - PTS-300A

Easy to operate – hand press – no warm-up time

Stainless Steel Construction

Strong 5 mm seal width

Analog electronic heat timer

12-inch seal length


  • Set the sealing time according to the thickness of your bag material. (Always start with the minimal setting and slowly increase time as needed to determine accurate time that achieves integral seal for your bag.)
  • Insert material between the seal bars and lightly press the Working Table so the seal bars meet. ​
  • Hold the table for 2 to 3 seconds after the red LED goes off.

Item Specifications

Seal Width: 2.4 and 5mm

Seal Length: 12″

Seal Time: 1 to 8 seconds


SPK-PTS300A - Spare Parts Kit for PTS300A 12" Seal Length
SPK-PTS300A - Spare Parts Kit for PTS300A 12" Seal Length $75.99
Product price: $332.75
Total options:
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impulse-sealer push-to-seal-impulse
20" Tabletop Hand Impulse Sealer - 5mm Seal - IPK-505H

Tabletop Heat Impulse Hand Sealer

The IPK line of Impulse Heat Sealers is designed to be both a great entry point into reliable yet affordable sealing solutions, and an industry leader in terms of standard seal features. Rather than staying with the standard 2mm string seal that most impulse sealers have adopted, we wanted something a little thicker. A 5mm seal width gives your products a seal whose strength you can see.  With seal lengths ranging from 4″ to 20″, there are plenty of options to suit your tabletop sealing needs. We also offer built in cutter options for 8″ and 12″ sealers.

Seal Length:  20″ (500 mm)

Seal Width:  5mm

Analog temperature control

Power:  110v/60Hz

SPK20 - Spare Parts Kit for 20" Impulse Heat Sealer IPK505H
SPK20 - Spare Parts Kit for 20" Impulse Heat Sealer IPK505H $34.95
Product price: $149.50
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8" Push to Seal Impulse Sealer - PTS-200

Our Most Popular IMPAK Hand Press Impulse Heat Sealer; PTS-200 8”

Put this Stainless Steel Heat Sealer to the test.

Easy to operate – hand press – no warm-up time

Can be operated horizontally on a table or mounted vertically which allows the package to remain upright while being sealed.

Suitable for lots of applications including powder and liquid products; great for sealing coffee bags


SPK-PTS200 - Spare Parts Kit for PTS200 8" Seal Length
SPK-PTS200 - Spare Parts Kit for PTS200 8" Seal Length $24.95
Product price: $318.75
Total options:
Order total:
impulse-sealer push-to-seal-impulse

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Attention Customers

Because of a change with our manufacturer, we will be implementing a minimum purchase of $150.00 at checkout. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.

Thank you,
